Operational Qëhnelö hub
Come and explore the various aspects of the Qëhnelö technology, and our dedicated hubs for the general public and professionals.
Information and Communication Sciences and Technology (ICST) and space technology offer extraordinary potential for public authorities and companies to deal successfully and rapidly with the complex challenges they face. For the first time, the business models of cloud computing provide a risk-free and investment-free opportunity to gain easy access to the most modern solutions.
Come and explore the various aspects of the Qëhnelö technology, and our dedicated hubs for the general public and professionals.
Communities are now at the crossroads of social and environmental issues that can no longer be viewed separately. Individuals’ wellbeing, the conservation of natural resources and our children’s future must go hand-in-hand. We need to understand, assess, consult with each other and act. To this end, as everyone is aware, a thorough understanding of historical, current and simulated geographic information is crucial. Satellites provide the principal source of geographic data: not to make use of it would be to ignore the principle source of knowledge. Up until now, this source was inaccessible to the majority of individuals and organisations,but not anymore. BLUECHAM SAS is an innovative company that has evolved out of research. It has won numerous awards and earned national and international renown. Our team has developed new technology called Qëhnelö™ and isa pioneer in Geospatial Cloud Computing. It is your guarantee of easy access to new operational analysis and communication systems free of any financial risk.
By bringing spatial approaches, the cloud and your business together, we can create new opportunities. Our team and partners are committed to providing you with every assistance as you cometo grips with this spectacular technological development.